Medical Cannabis Activism Grows & Grows
Many who know my work know I’m a cannabis activist and have been for some time. Many reasons, some anti-alcohol rooted, some medicinally rooted and some pleasurably rooted. It’s my herb of choice and has been for decades.
Some may know that my activism has always circled around choice; my rights don’t trump yours but aren’t derivative of yours, either. In mainstream social media, I confine my posts to ‘medicinally related’ cannabis posts and usually link each to a decent scientific testing/result (though not easy when the herb being researched historically has resulted in the researcher being fined, shut down and in some instances, sent to jail).
My latest outreach includes running ‘beta’ testing group on a relatively new monetized social media site, tsu. My medical cannabis group, which had to jump through a few hoops to get approval, has grown from 3 on September 1 to 2650 when checked prior to posting this blog.
Should you want information about Mother Nature’s wonder herb, join me on Tsu. This link will take you to membership as one of my tsu family Once registered, look to your left – all Tsu groups listed including medimarijuanaMAMA.
Cannabis is global. tsu is too and like the herb we spotlight, our cannabis group on tsu is growing like weed.
Oh, we’re also making money. Imagine that?
The piece depicted in this screenshot was posted today, 10/14/15, on tsu ‘s medimarijuanaMAMA but you can’t read it there without joining. However, it’s worth reading, especially if you or your peeps suffer from #autoimmune disorders – just click this link Autoimmune conditions and cannabis
PS: If you dig this piece & also on LinkedIn, please dig there, too. TY, MM
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