Archives for Client Testimonials

The Value of Writing Conferences: Don’t Throw the Baby Out with the Bathwater
The Value of Writing Conferences: Don’t Throw the Baby Out with the Bathwater
JUN 09, 2024
We are in the era of internet writers. Those who have stories to tell, write them and then publish them. Some have training, many don’t. The ...

An Editor’s Worth: Max Perkins
An Editor's Worth: Max Perkins
For the ultimate appreciation of an editor's worth, I encourage you all to read A. Scott Berg's Max Perkins: Editor of Genius. My view of literary life forever changed after reading this biography that was recently made into ...

Premature Hiring of Editors-DON’T!
Premature Hiring of Editors-DON'T!
I've blogged about this topic a few times but it's worth repeating. Some writers seek editorial input prematurely. Unless you hope to work with an editor over time, one willing to help you craft and revise, (an ... Brand Building Takes Time Brand Building Takes Time
After 6 years of toiling out here as an independent editor, my labors-why I branded MarketingtheMuse to me in 2003- are beginning to bear fruit. I am attracting writers I want to help; solid story-tellers with solid stories ...

Prescription PainKillers: Make Room for Marijuana
Prescribed Pain Killer Lists: Make Room for Marijuana
MedijuanaMama is on a rampage about prescription drugs that addict, big PHARMA that financially benefits from these addictions and the doctors who willy-nilly prescribe these highly addictive painkillers. She won’t include in this rant ...

Marijuana Infused Stories Make N.Y.Times News: Catherine Hiller Memoir
Marijuana Infused Stories Make N.Y.Times News: Catherine Hiller Memoir
An excerpt from Catherine Hiller's soon to be published Just Say Yes, a Marijuana Memoir made news in New York Times 3/22/15 Sunday edition, perhaps the first marijuana infused memoir to earn this ...

Quick Query Critique #140: Ideation/memoir
Dear ____,
What happens when a habitually suicidal man attempts to take his life by carbon monoxide poisoning and incurs damage to the area of his brain responsible for feeling pleasure? This is the question posed by my memoir, entitled 'Ideation.'The ...

These 22 GOP Senators Did NOT vote for Violence Against Women Act
The Violence Against Women Act now is in the House for a vote. Let your Congressman know you're watching.

If you tweet, you know that the Twitter universe is vast. How do you reach other writers? Hashtags help. What are they? Words that reflect your subject matter that are tagged like #this.
Here's Twitter's definition: The # symbol, called a hashtag, ...

Amazon’s Best Books 2012
Amazon has released its list of the top 100 books of 2012, as well as top 10 lists in over two dozen categories, from children's books to celebrity picks.
Notice what's # 1-Louise Erdrich's latest novel about rape and injustice posted ...