Archives for 21st Century Publishing
SweetSpot: Now and Then Promotion Continues
SweetSpot: Now and Then Promotion Continues
Panic and passion mix with pain and paint the portrait of SweetSpot: Now and Then, my novel debuting soon. #womenfiction #commercialfiction
For a long time, I've snapped short video snippets from my favorite series, films, documentaries, ...
Authors Helping Authors; Mutual Promotion Society
Authors Helping Authors; Mutual Promotion Society
As I ready my own novel for publication, I continue my long standing support of authors preparing their own works for publication and/or promoting their works out here in the cyber community at large. I've ...
SweetSpot Now and Then Promotion Includes Fannie Flagg’s ‘Success’ Story
SweetSpot: Now and Then, Promotion Includes Fannie Flagg's Success
Like my protagonist in SweetSpot: Now and Then, noted author Fannie Flagg didn't start out as a writer. Some may remember her as an actress and game show sidekick. But like my ...
Cooking For Kamala: America’s Celebrated Chefs Stand Behind Kamala & Tim
Cooking For Kamala: America's Celebrated Chefs Stand Behind Kamala & Tim
In a recent ZOOM, dozens of America's premiere chefs, restaurateurs and food writers gathered in their kitchens across this country to stand in solidarity with two Americans who value food ...
Writersmama and My Platform Building Ways
Writersmama and MY Platform Building Ways
I wrote this piece a few years ago and after listening to bestselling author Joe Ide's keynote at Southern California Writers Conference. Ide's was an inspiring keynote filled with lots of craft writers must embrace ...
Book Promotion: Takeaway Tips from SBWC Authors’ Panel
Viewer alert: The videos of Diana Raab and Max Talley may come on automatically so please go to each video and turn off and when you are ready to listen, turn each one on. Sorry for the inconvenience. MM
Book Promotion: ...
Immersion Into Writers Conferences Is Humbling…
and that’s a good thing.
Recently and while immersed at a writers’ conference for 6 days, I taught what I know about the craft and business of writing to writers at every stage of literary development and as always, the time ...
The Value of Writing Conferences: Don’t Throw the Baby Out with the Bathwater
The Value of Writing Conferences: Don’t Throw the Baby Out with the Bathwater
JUN 09, 2024
We are in the era of internet writers. Those who have stories to tell, write them and then publish them. Some have training, many don’t. The ...
How One Critique of My Sex Scene Stopped Me
How a Critique of My Sex Scene Stopped Me
The sex scene this writer is referring to happens right before the climax, pardon the pun, of Deadly Little Secrets, a medical suspense/thriller set in 1985. The narrator, Loretta Casterini, RN, catches ...
Bestselling Author Joe Ide: Facts and Fantasies of ‘Bestselling’
Bestselling Author Joe Ide: Facts and Fantasy of ‘Bestselling’
L.A. author Joe Ide, frequent keynote speaker and workshop leader at the Southern California Writers Conference, is delighted with the success he has enjoyed since selling his first novel, IQ at ...