Archives for January, 2016

Review: 2016 Cannabis Education Forum -West Hollywood
The 2nd Annual Cannabis Education Forum of West Hollywood delivered what the title promised, so much education I ran out of paper in my notebook. I took lots of video, some included here. I zeroed in on Drug Alliance Policy’s ...

Prescription PainKillers: Make Room for Marijuana
Prescribed Pain Killer Lists: Make Room for Marijuana
MedijuanaMama is on a rampage about prescription drugs that addict, big PHARMA that financially benefits from these addictions and the doctors who willy-nilly prescribe these highly addictive painkillers. She won’t include in this rant ...

EasyHomeGrow Series, Episode 5: Lighting Plants, con’t.
MEETtheGirls: Click here for 2 minute Series Video Overview
EasyHomeGrow w/MediMJmama: Lighting Your Plants Con't
Episode 4:
The lighting cycle is pretty standard. In the veg state -which runs 8-10 weeks from clone purchase-lighting should initially be 20 on/ 4 off. As the girls ...

EasyHomeGrow Series, Episode 4: Transplant, Tagging, Lighting & More
MEETtheGirls: Click here for 2 minute Series Video Overview
Episode 4
EasyHomeGrow w/MediMJmama: Transplants Need: Tagging, Wind, Light & More
Transplants complete, a few tips to ensure your baby girls grow strong. Water and wind are key. If you've potted in a good soil ...

EasyHomeGrow With medMJmama: Feeding CannaMedicinals
EasyHomeGrow With medMJmama: Feeding CannaMedicinals
EasyHomeGrow With medMJmama: Feeding CannaMedicinals, Episode 6: Feeding CannaMedicinals. Once your growing clones have established-you can tell by growth and green-they will need watering daily or every other day and along with H2O, cannagirls need their ...

Easy HomeGrow with mediMJmama: TRANSPLANTING Clones
Easy HomeGrow w/MediMJmama: TRANSPLANTING Clones
Episode 3: When you bring clones home, put them under grow lights for about 24 hours. Why? Acclimation time is needed for these babies which are delicate at clone stage. During this time, be sure to keep the ...

Legalize Marijuana Now! Watch Dr. Sanjay Gupta on CNN Special, 4/19/15
I'll let the good doctor's words speak for me.
CNN's top MD says: 'We should legalize medical marijuana. We should do it nationally. And, we should do it now.'
CNN’s chief medical correspondent Dr. Sanjay Gupta is back at it. The cable ...

EASYHomeGROW Series, Episode 2: Seeds or Clones?
MEETtheGirls: Click here for 2 minute Series Video Overview
EasyHomeGrow Series w/MediMJmama
Clones or Seeds? Episode 2
California Home Growers, you have a decision to make: clones or seeds. Let MediMJMama advise you. Until you reap one harvest, we suggest clones. The difference between seeds ...

LiterarySalon: Learning Prose from Pros, episode #3-Caitlin Rother
LiterarySalon: Learning Prose from Pros-episode #3
Bestselling true crime author and former investigative reporter Caitlin Rother will keynote at next week's Santa Barbara Writers Conference and no doubt talk about her latest, I'll Take Care of You.
Listen as she and Marla ...