MarlaMiller Books: Editor, Writer, Author
MarlaMiller Books: Editor and Author
MarlaMiller Books: Editor, Writer, Author
Marla’s editing clients that have published as of 5/2022: Feel free to contact them via their websites. I think they’d all ‘thumbs up’ my work. 🙂
Published April, 2017
Pointing Is Rude: One Father’s Story of Autism, Adoption, and Acceptance Paperback – April 4, 2017
This 5-time Emmy Award winning writer/director/producer for #NFL Films found me via my (then) free Quick Query Critiques offered on my youtube channel. He’d written “the most important” story of his life and couldn’t write the query. A two year editor/author relationship began soon after we discussed his difficulties, likely caused by not knowing what his story was about. At 125,000+ words, he did and didn’t. One of my fave clients mainly because Digger is such a pro who knows what he doesn’t know and is always at the service of his story. This one will touch you, make you laugh and well up the way the best of the Irish storytellers make readers do.
Published February 13, 2017 Breaking Through!: Stories of Hope and Recovery by
Hired two years almost to the day of publication, I worked as intimately on this book as I have on my own. If someone you know struggles with addiction, the vignettes of families impacted will be a familiar read to you. Help is out here and I’m pleased to be associated with the fine team at the Seasons in Malibu treatment centers. From idea through publication, it was a true team effort. I learned so much about independent publishing and all of it so good to know. Blog about this project coming soon.
FYI to professional orgs/facilities that TX mental illness/addictions, this writer (RN, MSN) is for hire.
Published June, 2016 Inflamed: discover the root cause of inflammation and personalize a step-by-step plan to create a healthy, vibrant life by
Indie author and registered dietitian Shelly Malone, MPH, RDN, met me at a writers conference and thought we’d make a good author/editor team. We did. Remember authors, it’s almost always a good idea to hire an editor who can bring some extra expertise to the editing process, especially if your book is nonfiction.Shelly also knows how to market. Find her in social media and watch how she does it; often by offering good information this tribe of readers want more of as she also points them to her book. @shelly.malone
Published 4/20/2016 Forty Years Stoned: A Journalist’s Romance by Tom Huth
Here is the cover of the last ‘Advanced Reading Copy before publication’ sent by Tom’s publisher, Heliotrope Books. We were all thrilled Tom snagged a blurb from Melissa Etheridge, which his publisher immediately ran across the upper front cover. Tom also set up a great debut book signing in his former Colorado hometown. Oh, and he also contacted world famous photographer Annie Leibovitz to ask if one of her photographs could grace the cover of his memoir. Ms. Leibovitz was flown down by CondeNast Travel to photograph the story Tom was writing. His wife accompanied Tom to this exotic port-of-call. Holly also stars in Tom’s memoir. For the past twenty years, Tom has been Holly’s caretaker as Parkinson’s slowly took over her life. And yes, cannabis helps both of them cope. Ms. Leibovitz said yes to the photograph and did not charge Tom one dime to use it!
As Forty Years Stoned ‘s first year anniversary approaches, Tom continues to write and build his platform though he has to be coaxed into calling ‘writing stories’ a platform building. His latest, a series, Fake News Your Can Trust, draws inspiration from his WashingtonPost Watergate era reporting days and of course, today’s reporting days.
Published 2014 the Black Box of Group Health Insurance by J.Lara Juanillo, Marla Miller, RN, MSN, Dr. Min DeLorean
I was honored to help craft Decode the Black Box of Group Health Insurance, an important book penned by 30-year senior executive health insurance industry insider, J Lara Juanillo. My many years in health care added a component to this ‘how-to-save-your-clients’ money book that will significantly help brokers, employers, union representatives and Human Resource personnel negotiate lower rates for their clients that include firefighters, teachers, etc.
Published 2013 Miracles and Grace in an Unlikely Place by Charisse Tyson
We met at a writer’s conference and she thought we’d be a good fit. She was right. This manuscript weighed in at over 135,000 words. I cut 40,000…at least…then instructed the author to cut 10,000 more. Why? Even the MOST noted authors know that the attention span of most readers is finite. Don’t lose them before you hook them.
Editorial note to writers: It’s about your story, not your belief systems or your politics…or your editor’s. Can we work together? Does your editor bring something to the editing table you believe will have value to your storytelling? Do you get a good vibe from her/him? Important factors to consider when choosing an editor.
Published 2012 Booty Bible: The Top Ten Commandments of Quick & Easy Tush-Tightening by Alicia Marie& Marla Miller
The Booty Bible, a fitness book created by fitness guru/model, Alicia Marie. Marla Miller is ‘with author/editor of this Booty ‘fit-cyclo-pedia’ that includes expert, EASY-TO-FOLLOW nutrition advice, Alicia’s 10 COMMANDMENTS for ‘Booty-boosting on a time/budget’ and more – PLUS simple exercise moves aimed at getting your bum in perfect shape, whatever ‘perfect’ means to you.
We had much fun. Alicia Marie’s fitness et al fan base is well deserved. She’s an amazing talent; funny, kind and just tough enough.
Marla Miller books:
Deadly Little Secrets, previously published on KDP has been removed by the author who plans to repackage & revise.
Days Gone By offers an excerpt of my novel about a late blooming woman who married young but couldn’t retire…
Days Gone By, excerpted from my novel in progress, was published in June 2013. Soon after publication, Barnaby Conrad, noted writer, author, artist and founder of the Santa Barbara Writers Conference crossed over. Two scenes excerpted from SweetSpot spotlights the Santa Barbara Writers Conference in this novel rooted in reality about a middle aged wife turning her life inside out. Fact? Fiction? A little bit of both.
Click here to read (free).
All American Girls: The USA National Soccer Team by Marla Miller Published, June 1999
Back cover: Score the winning goal with superstar Mia Hamm. Chart the plays and take to the field with co-captain Julie Foudy. Go for the gold with the champs — Michelle Akers, Carla Overbeck, Joy Fawcett and Kristine Lilly, and the rest of the stellar 1999 World Cup team! Read all about our favorite players in the first authorized book on the members of the U.S. Women’s National Soccer Team. Follow these all-American girls from their earliest days in soccer to their record-breaking careers, with Q&As, and personal info you won’t find anyplace else. It’s all here, in the book that’s a must-have for every soccer fan!
Published by Simon & Schuster
This publishing experience in 1998/99 set off this author’s interest in how publishing works and sometimes doesn’t work for authors. It’s just business, writers. While you hone your craft, learn as much as you can about the ins & outs of publishing and save yourself some disappointment.
Hi Marla,
I was visiting your site from a link with LinkedIn and noticed that at the bottom of your about me page and books published page you left the “Greek speak” content on the bottom right. You might want to change that!
Best wishes for the Holiday season.
Lorne Caplan
Hi, I learned of you from Charisse Tyson. I live in Hollister and have been to Johnny’s Bar many times. I read her book. I have been working on a memoir and need to find an editor. I would like to know how to get in touch with you and how much you charge and such.
email me