Videoing on TikTok or Off?  I’m In!

Writers who have known me for years, know that I dig interviewing writers and have since I launched my first writerly focused program on Blog Talk Radio back in the early 2000’s. When Google offered a format that included video, I took that leap too even though my vanity had to make some adjustments. Over time, she/we did! Next came Lit Salon: Pros Talk Prose launched on the Google Plus, a platform that didn’t have staying power. Still, I logged some decent interviews with authors and the one I’m most pleased with was the 32 minute interview with Pulitzer Prize winning Jane Smiley, a great writer and great human.


When TikTok came along, I stood on the sidelines watching for some time before I took the leap. Once I did, I became a TikTok-ophile. At the same time, I was curating the first version of my ZOOM AUTHORS & BOOK PROMOTION, 21st Century Style and in no time, realized that TikTok is the ideal platform to share these interviews. Why?  TikTok is filled with authors, and writers hoping to be, who use the #booktok to find our pack.


I know, I know, those wary say TikTok is this or that, to them I say, brush up on the old news that circulated for some time about Facebook’s influence over the 2016 election. Evidently, Russia appreciated their lackadaisical monitoring of that platform.  If you’re shy and/or have insecurities about appearing ‘live’ out here, for the sake of your own book promotion, work on getting over it. Isn’t that why folks join Toastmasters?  TikTok serves a similar purpose.

About That Other Pandemic

Here’s a video ‘About That Other Pandemic announcing the relaunch of my e-book novel, Deadly Little Secrets. Talk about overcoming fears, by re-launching this engaging, fast paced story set in 1985 about two BFFs coming to blows over a hotbed political issue of that time, I am overcoming my own fears.

And it’s about time.

Deadly Little Secrets can be found on Amazon, click here.

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