Melissa Etheridge Blurb on Forty Years Stoned: a journalist’s romance
Logging the Road To My Client’s Publication
As promised, as updates come in, I will add on to Logging the road to my client’s publication blog.
Tom’s publisher, Heliotrope Books, NYC, makes adjustments as needed. Here’s what the latest Advanced Reader Copy looks like with Melissa Etheridge’s glowing blurb flowing across the top.
Tom Huth is burning it up out here, placing stories on several sites as he almost daily pitches to more sites and newspapers. He has a wish list-every author should-of readers he’d love to hook with this story. He also has a strategy of how to get to them.
A ‘quick study’ this longtime journalist turned out to be, applying/tweaking tools of his 20th century trade to our 21st century publishing reality. Guess what? The more things change, the more they stay the same.
Good storytelling readers want to spend time reading wins over time…all the time.
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