Per their usual, the SCWC team pulled off another helpful conference. What I really appreciate about SCWC is its committment to meet writers where we are, on the road to publication in the 21st century. Sure, with all the new opportunities, it’s exciting to have more control. That said,  with publishing control comes a responsibility to produce the very best story telling we know to craft.

Premature publication can the death knell to a career that did not advance because the writer was in a hurry. No one says this better than SCWC’s Keynote speaker, David Brin.

I launched SHOW DON”T TELL Series here using my own novel-in- progress as example for exactly the reasons Brin listed. I came thisclose to indie publishing this novel because I found more than a few readers in my online critique group who really liked it-as is. AND I tried to put more value on their critiques than those who suggested I could do better telling the Sweet Spot tale. But this nagging notion in the back of my mind kept resurfacing: will I be okay reading this in one year from now?

Nope, I can do better.

Remember these two words ‘quality control’ and enjoy David’s ‘heads up’ to writers video filmed by Ninety Degrees Media. Enjoy this video snippet from Brin’s keynote.   

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