Game On! NBA Sports Icon Stephen Curry Interviews Stacey Abrams
Game On! NBA Sports Icon Stephen Curry Interviews Stacey Abrams
For the sake of protecting our democracy, some public figures have stepped up to voice their support for good people running for political office. Likely there are few races more critical than the great state of Georgia’s governor’s race and in this interview, he talks about what’s at stake with Stacey Abrams who’s running for governor and also an iconic figure in American culture.
Take a listen and VOTE, we, the people, are depending on the good people of this country to circle wagons around our democracy that the infamous are attempting to turn into their very own theocracy.
Definition of theocracy:
Government by divine guidance or by officials who are regarded as divinely guided. In many theocracies, government leaders are members of the clergy, and the state’s legal system is based on religious law.
A 21st century example of theocracy? IRAN
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