Ulysses S Grant: There Are Two Parties Now, Traitors & Patriots

For years, I’ve been whistling in the wind to Republicans, preaching to the choir of Democrats and exhausted by all of it as are many reading this essay from me, a lone woman, mom of three and grandmother of seven with no platform in politics and a fierce love of our country now being deconstructed by the Republican party of Donald Trump’s making which, eighteen days before the 2020 election, brings me to the Lincoln Project.

This lifelong Democrat supports this Republican founded PAC of citizens who’ve drawn the line in the sand and stepped away from their party last January when they announced their support of Joe Biden’s presidency.  These are not your no name Republicans; no, they count themselves among the leaders within this party, fierce defenders of everything Republican, a legacy most of them carried from their childhoods growing up in households steeped in conservative values.

Why would I support them? For the same reason I supported Hillary Clinton who was not my choice yet when she accepted the nomination in the summer of 2016, I circled the wagons of my own misgivings around her as the Democratic nominee.

It takes a village, a phrase Clinton coined and even more applicable today.

To those Democrats who consider me traitorous, let me paraphrase HRC’s words: ‘It takes a village’ to beat this man and his enablers. We can’t do it alone.

Do I wish the leaders of the Lincoln Project put our country’s integrity over their winning in 2008 when members of the Lincoln Project stirred up the racist pot with scary rhetoric about Barack Obama’s former minister in Chicago?

You bet I do.

Do I wish leaders within the Lincoln Project didn’t lobby hard for Sarah Palin to be Senator McCain’s V.P. pick, a ‘Hail Mary pass ‘they willingly threw though they had to know just how incompetent this woman was for the job?

You bet I do.

Do I wish they did not throw their political muscle in  2010  behind the emergence of the extremist right wingers  who called themselves ‘The Teaparty’ and got elected on platforms rooted in hate; whose members sat in the hallowed halls of Congress and called President Obama a “liar”  for the world to hear?

You bet I do.

Do I wish that founders of the Lincoln Project who launched and supported campaigns centered on ‘killing babies’ their strategy to attract Catholics and evangelical Christians, had appreciated then what they do now, that preserving life does not stop when a life is born?

You bet I do.

Do I wish that the origins of today’s dirty politics that the Republican party mainstreamed in 1988 when they dug up a black man to scare white voters away from Democratic nominee Michael Dukakis so George Bush Sr. could win had members on their team who drew a line in the sand then?

You bet I do.

Do I wish that Lincoln Project founders appreciated that Ronald Reagan was not the man they lionized but rather a man who got rid of the checks and balances so that the smart and greedy could capitalize on his ‘deregulation’ rhetoric disguised as ‘less government’ and thereby paved the way for the rich to not only become billionaire rich but set up  the system so that amoral men could play the monopoly game without rules detracting them from their goals?

You bet I do.

The Lincoln Project founders were finally forced to draw that line in the sand by a moral code shared with the rest of us, country before party. Their party has turned into a cesspool of greed and corruption.  Their party, the one they pledged their allegiance to, has removed their white hoods to show who they really are and likely who many of them always were, racists and elitist white people fearful that they might have to share the pie, a.k.a. the American dream, with non-white people.

Do I wish that the very intelligent founders of The Lincoln Project had ‘come to their Jesus moment’ before Trump took over our White House.

You bet I do but here we are and it will take a village to defeat Trumpism and the Lincoln Project uses a methodology Democrats can’t use because undecided voters simply won’t listen to us.

We need them and they need US.

If you live a swing state, especially Florida, North Carolina, Arizona,  Wisconsin, Michigan, and Pennsylvania, check out the Lincoln Project’s game plan and pitch in whatever help you can, phone banking and/or donating are tools we can still employ until November 3rd 2020.

Take a listen to their latest TownHall zoom meeting, OCT 15, 2020: Here’s the link https://lincolnproject.us/live/



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