EASYHomeGROW Series w/ MediMJMama Premiere-Episode 1
Easy HomeGrow Series w/MediMJMama Premiere-Episode 1
WELCOME to Easy HomeGrow Series w/MediMJMama, an ongoing, online series that take visitors through the cannabis growing process, from clone to harvest. Easy to follow, the series is marked by episodes. So far, 6 episodes are published for your education MediMJMama aims to make enjoyable, too–much like our beloved herb.
EasyHomeGrow series is penned for home growers living in California. We’re getting ready for legalization and in our years of supporting cannabis, we’ve become connoisseurs, consumers who want our herbal medicinals pure. We aren’t the only connoisseurs out here. We also know this: the only way to ensure the kind of quality control that insures quality is to grow our own. At MediMJMama, we have and now we’re spoiled. We want to spoil you, too. Don’t settle. If you can, grow your own. But how? Isn’t it complicated? If you can grow tomatoes or even grass (the lawn kind) you can grow cannabis inside your home for its entire cycle or you can grow indoors & outdoors (on decks) like we do here at EasyHomeGrow w/MediMJMama. Our California sunshine tops all so if you can, why not take advantage of Mother Nature and save the environment and some money spent on electricity.
Should you to set up a designated area in your home or apartment, know that growing a few plants won’t take up much space. At harvest time, your bounty should reap enough medicine until you decide to grow again. MediMJMama warns you: Once you go home grow, you won’t go back. Everything is better when it’s homegrown.
EasyHomeGrow Series offers the basics in growing, including the growth cycle. We brought our clones home on June 17, 2016. Expected harvest is around Halloween-all total about a 20 week cycle.How would you like to find a bud or two in your goody bag of tricks? MediMJmama has also grown in off-season, clones purchased in January we harvested in early July. That crop turned out swell.
The basics of growing include space and light. You don’t need a lot of either but you need the essentials.We associate with landscape architect/designer, PDpotstuff, for lighting & irrigation. Our site will offer DIY-ers suggestions & examples easily replicated with a little guidance from PDpotstuff, whose lighting manual, a simple pulley & rope system, is coming soon. All materials recommended can be purchased at big box stores. Our team shops for quality and pricing so DIY home growers won’t break the bank. And think of what you’ll save once your medicine is ‘cured.’
Enjoy this short video (below) introducing you to mediMJMama and her EasyHomeGrow garden.
Find us: Twitter: @mediMJMama Pinterest: MediJuanaMama’s Good News To Know
Facebook: EasyHomeGrow w/MediMJmama
YouTube: MediMJmama’s MedicalCannabisVideos
Please subscribe to Marla’s Museletter to follow EasyHomeGrow Series w/MediMJMama
Photos and videos of PD PotStuff’s work to be distributed throughout this series. Also to be featured, PDPS smoking accessories, hand crafted and sustainable. The PDBudBong – coming soon-it’s not just sustainable (a PDPotStuff mandate) BudBong is affordable.
Back in the day, enjoying the herb was a pricy affair, from herb cost to smoking paraphernalia. Those days are coming to an end now that Californians are free to be who we are, folks who enjoy our herb, cannabis.
FULL DISCLOSURE: The MediMJmama team promote, support and recommend the passage of Prop64, aka AUMA, Adult Use Marijuana Act. On the NOV 8th CALIFORNIA ballot, vote #YESonPROP64
PostElection update: YIPPEE! WE DID IT!
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