SBWC Literary Agents & Editors Panel: Conflict, Conflict, Conflict!
SBWC Literary Agents & Editors Panel: Conflict, Conflict, Conflict!
NYC literary agent Paul Fedorko told me this was the best agents panel he’s ever been on. Why? “No bullshit,” he replied.
As moderator of this 2014 SBWC panel, my intention was to talk about the state of this industry today…not yesterday…today. You will notice some agents’ feathers got a bit ruffled. The message here, writers? Not only do agents and editors look for conflict, conflict, conflict in your manuscripts, they have a bit of their own to work through as the publishing paradigm continues to shift. Some like the shift…some, not so much.
My thanks to all the members of this Santa Barbara Writers Conference panel for making it ‘real.’
From L to R:literary agent Tony Lopopolo, literary agent Taylor Martindale, agent/publicist Erin L. Cox, literary agent Paul Fedorko and Thomas Dunne Books editor, Kat Brzozowski.
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