SCWC/2014: Learn More, Suck Less
SCWC/2014: Learn More, Suck Less
In the last 26 years +, the Southern California Writers Conference has hosted its ‘flagship’ conference in San Diego over Presidents Day Week-end. This year is no exception. Join us for 3-days of intensive learning aimed at helping all authors on the road to publication-indie and legacy. Click here to register for SCWC’s 2015 conference, 2/14/14-2/17/14
Marla’s MarketingtheMuse/SCWC Workshop Schedule:
Non-fiction for Newbies: Is It a Book or Isn’t It? February 14th 2:00pm – 3:30pm/Marla Miller
Two-Page Tell: YOUR Opening Hook/February 15th 2:40pm – 4:10pm/Marla MillerSCWC TASTY TIDBITS
If you haven’t met SCWC’s Executive Director, here’s a snippet of Michael Stephen Gregory setting the conference tone in his opening night remarks. He’s quite a character.
At the 2013 SCWC conference, private editor- and former publisher-Jennifer Silva Redmond offers a solid overview of the publishing process-whether legacy or indie-and encourages every author to wear the ‘publisher’ hat. In the long run, it will help your platform and yes, legacy publishing writers, you need one here, too.
Workshop leader and multi-published Indie author Gayle Carline offers tips for writers venturing down the Indie road. Don’t know what a mobi file is? Gayle didn’t either when she started publishing her own works, fiction and nonfiction. There’s so much to learn and Gayle’s been applying what she’s learned for several years. Here’s a snippet on ‘mobi files.
Keynote Speakers David Brin and T Jefferson Parker share experiences with SCWC audiences.
Wise words from David Brin
Relating to SCWC attendees, all of us writers. T Jefferson Parker
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