NEXT Opening 2-Pg (Google) Hang-Out/Read & Critique Workshop, 4/18/13
Here is the 1st videoed HangOut session that ended up being a one-on-one session. My thanks to this writer for allowing me to share our time together. The exchange is filled lots of good writerly/publishing related information that includes the downside of submitting too soon. The first minute is focused on ‘mechanics’ so slide the arrow to one minute mark and ‘click’ to play. Her novel is a children’s fantasy.
ATTENTION: You must gave a GMAIL email to join…It is Google, after all. Click here to create a gmail acct-It’s easy & free!
Here’s how The Opening 2 PG Hang-Out Read & Critique works:
Writers who attend my real- time ‘Opening 2 Page Workshop’ know it’s fast-paced.
YOU read the opening 2 pages (fiction or nonfiction) & WE critique.
Consider Opening 2-Pg a diagnostic on 2 craft elements:
- Does the writing skill level keep readers from tracking the story?
- If the writing is smooth, does the story move? Enough to want more?
2-page limit strictly enforced & I can tell….:)
We are digging these Hang-Out sessions so please join us. I’m keeping the number low-4 readers, tops-However, you can join us to critique. We welcome all writers’ ears…:)
Here’s how to join:
Email me ASAP –– I will add you to the list. On 4/18/13 at about 4:55 p.m. (PST), you’ll receive an invitation to join. Just click & join.
Remember, if you want to Hang-Out but not read, that’s cool, too, as long as you come with your ‘critiquing hat’ on. Lots to learn from critiquing other writers’ works. It takes a village.
NEXT SESSION: 4/11/13 5 pm (PST)
Read what participants have to say:
The workshop was great! Thanks so much! It was great advice, and excellent to break the isolation. NickDear Marla,
Thanks so much for the privilege of joining in your online read and critique session tonight. It’s so helpful to get feedback on writing from you and other writers who are interested in the craft–it’s like having your very own focus group. I’ll definitely be taking the comments to heart, and I’m looking forward to participating in the future. What a great idea!
Again, many, many thanks,Doug B
Hi Marla,
Thank you so much for the opportunity to share the first two pages of my manuscript GWAD NATION II during the google hangout session yesterday. What a great way to network with other writers–anywhere, anytime! I had a great time, and yes, the comments were extremely beneficial. By the way, I appreciate all that you do for the writing community, recognizing how it must consume a great deal of your own creative time. I look forward to more and another hangout session!
Best wishes to you, Jeanie F.
Thanks so much for organizing yesterday’s Google hangout. I really enjoyed it! H-A
Two Page Workshop with Marla was great. Thanks!
Regards, Jeff
Email me ASAP –– I will add you to the list. On 3/21/13 at about 4:50 p.m. (PST), you’ll receive an invitation to join. Just click & join.
For those interested in my ‘real time’ version of Opening 2-Pg Workshop-just click here.
Hi Maria,
for some reason my computer kept logging out. Although I would love to hear a recording or to hear your experience with using the hangout forum. It was inspiring to see you doing it even if I couldn’t get in.