New Site, New Blog But Same ol’ Marla Miller
Hello to my subscribers & visitors,
Welcome to my new online home, a work-in-progress that I decided to undertake when my web provider changed directions. It happens and when it did, I realized that depending on others to create/maintain/host my site was just that-dependence.
You may have noticed that I combined Marla Miller’s MarketingtheMuse with WomenOver45Speak’s Me Quiet? You’re Kidding, Right? I did so for my convenience as much as yours. Thankfully, I’m a busy writer/editor/coach who knows how important web presence is to one’s writing posterity. But I am busy so this site is a one-stop for me as well as you, my subscribers & visitors.
My SKYPE business is growing thanks to satisfied writers who spread the word that SKYPING with me about your query letter really pays dividends in your rewrites. I hope you consider the $25.00 fee for 15 minutes of my time an investment in your writing future.
I’m still offering FREE quick query critiques, QQC, to new subscribers but please know, my list is long. I will continue to do one QQC/muse letter.
My 125 + Quick Query Critiques are now organized into ‘genre’ playlists here. Just click VIDEO at the top of the site. It will take you to the playslists as well as current & free Quick Query Critiques. View each playlist session as a ‘workshop’.
Like many of you, I’m hell bent on publishing my novels, 2 of mine penned during my kids’ ‘wonder years.’ I’ve spent the last year in online critique group and am pleased to say Sweetspot: Now & Then and Deadly Little Secrets will see the light of publishing day. I will either bring them there myself or have assistance from indie/conventional publishing….but I will see them published.
“Persistence!” must be every writer’s anthem.
Send me love notes or tell me I’m full of it. Good communication/bad communication beats no communication.
PS. Scott Sigler is an author who uses ALL tools in his publishing toolbox so I thought it fitting that I post this photo of the two of us @ the 2011 Southern California Writers Conference
PSS. If anyone knows anyone interested in interning, please send them my email, I write a pretty good letter of recommendation..:)
Hi Marla, is there a novel that you know, that talks about of a native American president?
No I don’t but would love to know if any of them were native americans.
Stumps me! Anyone?