Tag archives for writer’s voice

Nora Ephron’s ‘Everything Is Copy’ Inspired My Novel
Nora Ephron's 'Everything Is Copy' Inspired My Novel
On the day of Taylor Swift's ‘Tortured Poets Department’ debut, I found this reel. Until I did, I did not know that like me, Taylor Swift views Nora Ephron as a mentor. Nora ...

AUTHORS & Book Promotion 21st Century Style Interview/ SHELDON EPPS/Director -MEMOIR
AUTHORS & Book Promotion 21st Century Style Interview/ SHELDON EPPS/Director -MEMOIR
Noted Artistic Director Sheldon L. Epps decided to write his memoir during the pandemic; his 30+ career in the american theater chronicled in
MY OWN Directions: A Black Man's Journey ...

Elmore Leonard’s Ten Rules of Writing
(I had the pleasure of hanging out with Mr. Leonard whose friends called him 'Dutch'. Barnaby Conrad, founder of SBWC, was one and often Dutch made an appearance at the conference and often participated in Barney's morning workshop. SBWC Glory ...

Ulysses S Grant: There Are Two Parties Now, Traitors & Patriots
Ulysses S Grant: There Are Two Parties Now, Traitors & Patriots
For years, I’ve been whistling in the wind to Republicans, preaching to the choir of Democrats and exhausted by all of it as are many reading this essay from me, ...

SCWC: The Goal To SUCK Less
SCWC: The Goal To SUCK Less – MarlaMiller.com As always, SCWC's executive director, Michael Steven Gregory, chatted about his passion: helping writers who attend SCWC 'suck less.' In the two decades + that he and Wes Albers have been at ...

Iconic AuthorTom McGuane: Jealous of Writers?
Iconic Author Tom McGuane: Jealous of Writers?
One of the many snippets I video'ed of Tom McGuane speaking at the 2013 Santa Barbara Writers Conference. He was asked which writers he admires? His answer offers insight and humor.
Here's a recent Q/A with ...

Sex in Fiction: Less Is Usually More
Sex In Fiction: Less is Usually More
In my early years of writing fiction, much of my storytelling included crafting sex scenes, sometimes more than the story required or could handle. Writers pick topics to explore on the page for lots ...

Road To ‘Forty Years Stoned: a journalist’s romance’ Publication
Road To 'Forty Years Stoned: a journalist's romance' Publication
Forty Years Stoned: a journalist's romance
This blog will grow as Tom Huth's platform does. With time and entries, I hope it will offer a roadmap for writers unable to envision their own ...

Writing To Catch A Wave? Sometimes, Writers Can.
Writers hear all the time to never n-e-v-e-r write to catch an emerging wave. Why? By the time you do, it's gone. But what if you have material that fits well with a trend you see emerging?
Take multi-published novelist Hugh Howey, an ...

Writers, Why Writers Conferences?
I love cyberspace and the ability to do business easily. But for writers, there's no place like home (s) we visit annually, come hell or high water: writers conferences. Why go? Conferences offer avenues into the community of writers. The ...