Tag archives for literary agents

HOOKING Is Hard: Your Query Letter Must Hook Your Intended ‘HOOKIE’
9/16/2022 SCWC, Query Letter Workshop w/Writersmama
HOOKING IS Hard: Your Query Letter Must Hook Your Intended HOOKIE!
(a.k.a agent or editor).
Crafting a hook-able query letter requires heavy lifting. Are you up for it? This video snippet on my youtube channel of ...

Not A Happy Ending: Common Story About Literary Agents
The Fate of 'Celebrity Chefs and Mentors: Women in Culinary Profession'
My celebrity chef project is officially shelved. I’ve spent two full years that included writing the twenty-nine page proposal and then pitching to EVERY literary agent who even remotely handles ...

Writersmama Service Connects Writers to ‘Traditional’ Publishing Paths
Writersmama Service Connects Writers to 'Traditional' Publishing Paths
For writers seeking traditional publishers,small press publishers and hybrid publishers, this Writersmama service includes:
3 month Commitment
Delivery of suitable agent names, a minimum of twelve, that represent stories in the client’s genre and/or ...

Think You Know Fish? Not like Master Chef Eric Ripert Knows Fish
Think You Know Fish? Not like Master Chef Eric Ripert Knows Fish
Chefs Ripert & Carroll at 10 ARTS in Philly
Yours truly finishing a book proposal she's pitching to literary agents interested in books about the culinary world. Mine zooms ...

WritersMama Read & Critique ZOOM Workshops-JOIN US!
Covid19 Be Damned! WritersMama Read & Critique ZOOM Workshops-JOIN US!
Let's Workshop Together...Apart
April 4, 2020
Opening 5 Pages:
WritersMama Read & Critique Workshop via ZOOM
Okay, so this sucks and we all know it but does that mean we have to stop our creative ...

Have Black Voices Mattered in Publishing?
Have Black Voices Mattered in Publishing?
A while ago, I attended a one-day workshop at a Southern California library intended for writers of color. The room semi-filled with nonwhite attendees, a mix of African Americans and Latino folks; the panelists also ...

T. Jefferson Parker Talks Writing at S.C.W.C.
T. Jefferson Parker Talks Writing at S.C.W.C. Revising in 2017 and one week after the ALWAYS fabulous Southern California Writers Conference was held at the Crown Plaza Hotel, our San Diego muse center that's always been good to the conference. T. Jefferson ...

Sol Stein, Characterization and Novel Writing
Sol Stein, Characterization and Novel Writing
Sol Stein's Take on Novel Writing and Character Development
When you've been studying craft as long as moi , you collect lots of notes. Foraging through boxes recently I found a treasure trove of good ...

SCWC: Birth of The Pitch Witch Workshop
SCWC: Birth of The Pitch Witch Workshop. We first taught this workshop at the So California Writers Conference in 2010. Given the response, we knew the Pitch Witch Workshop was needed and appreciated by writers on the road to publication.
Why learn this ...

40 Minute FREE Query Letter Workshop!
Query Letters: I have written many query letters. For many years, most of my query letters were rejected. I kept pitching until my query letters began garnering attention. My rejections turned sweeter- 'Good idea but this isn't for me' kind of ...