Tag archives for editors

WritersMama Read & Critique ZOOM Workshops-JOIN US!
Covid19 Be Damned! WritersMama Read & Critique ZOOM Workshops-JOIN US!
Let's Workshop Together...Apart
April 4, 2020
Opening 5 Pages:
WritersMama Read & Critique Workshop via ZOOM
Okay, so this sucks and we all know it but does that mean we have to stop our creative ...

SCWC: Birth of The Pitch Witch Workshop
SCWC: Birth of The Pitch Witch Workshop. We first taught this workshop at the So California Writers Conference in 2010. Given the response, we knew the Pitch Witch Workshop was needed and appreciated by writers on the road to publication.
Why learn this ...

Premature Hiring of Editors-DON’T!
Premature Hiring of Editors-DON'T!
I've blogged about this topic a few times but it's worth repeating. Some writers seek editorial input prematurely. Unless you hope to work with an editor over time, one willing to help you craft and revise, (an ...

Editors Are People 1st-Good To Remember, Writers
Like many writers, I’m also an editor. For the years that I ran a magazine, I edited so much I never wanted to edit again. It’s tiring work but a writer does what a writer must do. Most of us ...

SBWC Literary Agents & Editors Panel: Conflict, Conflict, Conflict!
SBWC Literary Agents & Editors Panel: Conflict, Conflict, Conflict!
NYC literary agent Paul Fedorko told me this was the best agents panel he's ever been on. Why? 'No bullshit,' he replied.
As moderator of this 2014 SBWC panel, my intention was to talk ...

On Sale! PITCH Witches Workshop@ SoCalWritersConference
12 writers pitch - Some good, some not so good!
PITCH WITCHES Workshop, $3.99
Okay, so imagine you're standing in line for coffee at a seminar or workshop or conference and next to you happens to be an agent. You can't help ...