Tag archives for Heliotrope Books

Melissa Etheridge Blurb on Forty Years Stoned: a journalist’s romance
Logging the Road To My Client's Publication
As promised, as updates come in, I will add on to Logging the road to my client's publication blog.
Tom's publisher, Heliotrope Books, NYC, makes adjustments as needed. Here's what the latest Advanced Reader Copy looks like with ...

Road To ‘Forty Years Stoned: a journalist’s romance’ Publication
Road To 'Forty Years Stoned: a journalist's romance' Publication
Forty Years Stoned: a journalist's romance
This blog will grow as Tom Huth's platform does. With time and entries, I hope it will offer a roadmap for writers unable to envision their own ...

Writing To Catch A Wave? Sometimes, Writers Can.
Writers hear all the time to never n-e-v-e-r write to catch an emerging wave. Why? By the time you do, it's gone. But what if you have material that fits well with a trend you see emerging?
Take multi-published novelist Hugh Howey, an ...