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Book Promotion: Takeaway Tips from SBWC Authors’ Panel

It’s the 21st Century and the book promotion ‘ain’t’ easy so I invited authors to my workshop to share what works for them. This 3 person panel includes an author who retired from teaching first and then snagged a publishing contract from a traditional publisher. Also included, two longtime SBWC workshop leaders who between them have authored and published  20+ books. -These authors offered information I hope writers on the road to publication can benefit from hearing.

I sure did though these video snippets offer a challenge at times.

In our 21st century publishing reality, it does take a village, more than it ever has to get your books into readers’ hands.

If you’re writing a memoir, I encourage you to review Diana books on the subject that she also teaches, memoir writing.

If you dig true crime, Debby Larkin’s story about the killing of a little girl that went unsolved for decades. While she’s new to publishing, Debby retired as a H.S. principal, she’s kicking it out here!
Max Talley crosses genres with short stories and novels that range from fantasy to horror/sci-fi category.

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