Tag archives for writers

Dorothy Allison Talks About Writing at SBWC
Dorothy Allison talks about writing at SBWC.
NOW: This is my 2024 revision of this post I wrote a few years ago.
As I prepare for publication date of SweetSpot: Now and Then, a novel, I'm aiming my my P.R. and marketing ...

Have Black Voices Mattered in Publishing?
Have Black Voices Mattered in Publishing?
A while ago, I attended a one-day workshop at a Southern California library intended for writers of color. The room semi-filled with nonwhite attendees, a mix of African Americans and Latino folks; the panelists also ...

Premature Hiring of Editors-DON’T!
Premature Hiring of Editors-DON'T!
I've blogged about this topic a few times but it's worth repeating. Some writers seek editorial input prematurely. Unless you hope to work with an editor over time, one willing to help you craft and revise, (an ...

Iconic AuthorTom McGuane: Jealous of Writers?
Iconic Author Tom McGuane: Jealous of Writers?
One of the many snippets I video'ed of Tom McGuane speaking at the 2013 Santa Barbara Writers Conference. He was asked which writers he admires? His answer offers insight and humor.
Here's a recent Q/A with ...

40 Minute FREE Query Letter Workshop!
Query Letters: I have written many query letters. For many years, most of my query letters were rejected. I kept pitching until my query letters began garnering attention. My rejections turned sweeter- 'Good idea but this isn't for me' kind of ...

Editors Are People 1st-Good To Remember, Writers
Like many writers, I’m also an editor. For the years that I ran a magazine, I edited so much I never wanted to edit again. It’s tiring work but a writer does what a writer must do. Most of us ...

Sound Off! Writer Wonders ‘Do Agents Respect Writers?’
Throwing Darts in the Dark
On the road to traditional publishing, it is virtually compulsory that writers query agents in an attempt to obtain representation. At this point, the writer begins a metaphoric game of darts – played in the dark. ...

2013 Writers Digest Conference Adds Pitch Witch Bootcamp!
Marla Miller and Jennifer Silva Redmond are pleased to offer a Pitch Witch Bootcamp at the upcoming 2013 Writers Digest Conference, 9/27/13--9/29/13. Enroll in Pitch Witch Bootcamp on Friday Sept 27th from 12:30 to 3:30 and before you meet agents, editors ...

Writers, Why Writers Conferences?
I love cyberspace and the ability to do business easily. But for writers, there's no place like home (s) we visit annually, come hell or high water: writers conferences. Why go? Conferences offer avenues into the community of writers. The ...

What Defines ‘Amazon Best Seller?’
How Many Sales to Amazon Bestseller? by Jason Matthews, 3/20/13
Want to be an Amazon bestseller? Of course you do–every author does! Want to be an Amazon bestseller? Of course you do–every author does! And we’re talking about the top five of all ...