Tag archives for Smashwords

LiterarySalon: Learning Prose from Pros, episode #3-Caitlin Rother
LiterarySalon: Learning Prose from Pros-episode #3
Bestselling true crime author and former investigative reporter Caitlin Rother will keynote at next week's Santa Barbara Writers Conference and no doubt talk about her latest, I'll Take Care of You.
Listen as she and Marla ...

The good news is, writers are no longer at traditional publishing's beck and call. We have options. Back in the day, we had none. Our only hope? Getting a nod from one of the publishing houses.
The first winds of ...

How Important Is the Query Letter?
Bill Gibbons is the second subscriber/writer who made it past round one of the Amazon Breakthrough Novel Writing contest. Like Dale Myers whose novel made it through round one in the 2012 contest, Bill credits the quick query critique he ...

QUICK QUERY CRITIQUE #132: The Light of Love/nonfiction/new age
QQC # 132:
Dear -
Have you ever searched to redefine and reclaim your inner mastery of soul; or made a conscious decision to walk in the Divinity and Power of Love? “The Light of Love,” is a non-fiction New Age ...

Amazon: E-book Sales Soared, Print Crawled
'...In a statement accompanying its fourth quarter and full year results for 2012, Amazon founder Jeff Bezos neatly summed up where he sees the future of book retailing heading--especially for his company. “We’re now seeing the transition we’ve been expecting,” ...