Tag archives for HarperCollins

Elmore Leonard’s Ten Rules of Writing
(I had the pleasure of hanging out with Mr. Leonard whose friends called him 'Dutch'. Barnaby Conrad, founder of SBWC, was one and often Dutch made an appearance at the conference and often participated in Barney's morning workshop. SBWC Glory ...

How To Write Like Joan Didion
How To Write Like Joan Didion
For every long sentence, you have to drop an anchor and slow down the pace.
In the same vein, build up a certain tone, then knock it down.
Everyone sees themselves as heroes in their own story.

Sol Stein, Characterization and Novel Writing
Sol Stein, Characterization and Novel Writing
Sol Stein's Take on Novel Writing and Character Development
When you've been studying craft as long as moi , you collect lots of notes. Foraging through boxes recently I found a treasure trove of good ...

Highlights from SBWC2018 Platform Building Panel
Zig Ziglar, notable motivational speaker:
You can get what you want if you help others get what they want.
Highlights from SBWC2018 Platform Building Panel
The following are highlights from SBWC2018 Platform Building Panel. I only had time to transcribe the bare ...

LiterarySalon: Learning Prose from Pros, episode #3-Caitlin Rother
LiterarySalon: Learning Prose from Pros-episode #3
Bestselling true crime author and former investigative reporter Caitlin Rother will keynote at next week's Santa Barbara Writers Conference and no doubt talk about her latest, I'll Take Care of You.
Listen as she and Marla ...

Marla Miller.com/2015 SBWC Workshop Schedule
Marla Miller.com/2015 SBWC Workshop Schedule
1–3:30 pm, Sunday thru Friday, 6/7 – 6/12, 2015
My afternoon workshops remain the same -a combination of read/critique, openings only, fiction & nonfiction. We will also listen with an ear for organic social media strategies that ...

Writers, Why Writers Conferences?
I love cyberspace and the ability to do business easily. But for writers, there's no place like home (s) we visit annually, come hell or high water: writers conferences. Why go? Conferences offer avenues into the community of writers. The ...

It’s a Wrap! SBWC in Review
In a blur, the week was gone and another Santa Barbara Writers Conference committed to memory. Five MarketingtheMuse workshops, eleven guest speakers, two moderated panels, a few overnight guests and one pizza party later, this writer is pooped.
The 2013 SBWC ...

Publishing World Acclimating to the Digital Revolution
Like the record industry before it, the publishing industry is changing dramatically. Of the Big Seven publishers (Random House, HarperCollins, MacMillan, Penguin, Simon & Schuster, Hachette Book Group (Little, Brown & Co, et al), and Scholastic), six of them–all but ...

The Politics of Rape & Louise Erdrich’s ‘The Round House’
A few days ago, with Twitter going crazy over the latest rape, crimes against women and other insanities, I discovered Louise Erdrich's The Round House. Set in 1988, this suspense novel is narrated by the son of a Native American woman ...