MEETtheGirls: Click here for 2 minute Series Video Overview

EasyHomeGrow w/MediMJmama: Lighting Your Plants Con’t

imageEpisode 4: 

The lighting cycle  is pretty standard. In the veg state -which runs 8-10 weeks from clone purchase-lighting should initially be 20 on/ 4 off. As the girls mature, it shifts to 18 on and 6 off and remains this way until you notice the beginnings of flowering. When that happens, we add one hour of dark/week until the girls are exposed to 12 on and 12 off, mimicking the normal growing light cycle.

Here they are after their first transplant sharing 3 grow lights-quite sufficient for this stage.


Here they are a bit older enjoying the evening summer light.image

And here is where they live at night. Once the summer sun descends, we carry them in here so they can they finish their 20/4 or 18/6 light cycle, under their very own grow lights connected to a timer.  PDPOTStuff designed the space around the dimensions provided.